
Crawford County Nonprofit Spotlight: Early Head Start

By Greta Tafelski, Crawford County Macaroni Kid Publisher March 27, 2019

Early Head Start is a free home-based visitation program serving pregnant women, infants, and toddlers in Crawford, Venango, and Forest Counties. The program is a year-round comprehensive child and family development service. We provide weekly home-based visits for families that are 90 minutes in duration administering child development guidance, educational activities, and social service.

Parents are their child’s first and best teacher!

Bi-monthly interaction time is also provided to families enrolled in the program, giving them an opportunity to enjoy parent-child activities with other families or share information about parenting issues and child development. Parents learn from and can support one another and observe their children with other children. The mission of the Early Head Start Program is to promote healthy prenatal outcomes for pregnant women to improve the development of young children and to promote a healthy family functioning.

Please contact us at:

Meadville: (814) 332-0242 (Deanna)

Titusville: (814) 775-0522 (Elsie)

Oil City: (814) 678-7766 (MJ)

Visit our website for more information!