
Free Family Fun Nights with The Strengthening Families Program

September 4, 2019


The SFP 10-14 fun nights is for families with youth aged 10-14 years old (grades 5 through 8).  There is FREE dinner provided for the family and FREE childcare for the siblings. The program has been held in Crawford County over the last 9 years with great success. The overall model of the program consists of seven Monday nights from 5:30 to 8 p.m.  Sessions usually start with a family meal, followed by one (1) hour sessions for the adults and youth separately, with the family coming together for the last hour to share knowledge gained during individual sessions, participate in activities and projects, and bond over the theme of the week.


The Strengthening Families Program: For Parents and Youth 10-14 (SFP 10-14) has been evaluated with many hundreds of families by research institutes at Iowa State University. Analysis of data has shown positive results for both parents and their children.

  • Youth had significantly lower rates of alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana use compared to youth who were not in the program.
  • Youth had significantly fewer conduct problems in school.
  • Parents improved skills including building a positive relationship with their youth, setting appropriate limits, and following through on consequences.

 In addition, research has shown that the skills learned and the parent-child relationships that were strengthened continue to have great influence on youth for years after they have completed the program.

To register, call Kelsey at (814) 724-4100 or (814) 807-4938 or email