
from Tammy 8/5/2020


"Make Lemons into Lemonade" 

"Roll with the Punches" 

"Smile More, Worry Less"

"Good Vibes Only" 

While  I love these positive sayings, and I've used them on a daily basis  lately, sometimes I just don't feel it.  We are all on the COVID  rollercoaster (myself included) of positive emotions followed by the not  so positive ones, with no clue when it will stop.  School starting back  up with distance learning is not what we imagined it would be back in  April.  BUT WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS... one way or another!    Give  yourself and others grace and patience, and reach out to those who might  just need a friend to chat with and decompress. We are all building  this plane as we fly it and we will just learn from each mistake and  keep on going.

  • We are all in the same storm, but not in the same boat.  We all have  our own unique situations and no single solution is going to work for  everyone.  Please don't be afraid to ask for help.  Let your friends and  family know what you need for this next school year and accept help.   No one should be doing this alone. 
  • Macaroni Kid will  continue to be here for you whether we have a full event calendar or  just virtual events.  My goal is to EMPOWER parents and ENRICH the  community, no matter what that looks like.  If you have an idea of how  Macaroni Kid can help achieve that goal, shoot me an e-mail and let's  chat! 
  • And please subscribe to this site and spread the word to your family and friends. Lastly, I greatly appreciate any information you can provide about upcoming activities and event happenings near you. Send me your info and I'll include it on my Events Calendar to share with everyone.
    Be well and enjoy each other! TAMMY