Greetings everyone. I hope you had a chance to get outside and enjoy the nice weather last week. Also, I hope you didn't get caught outside in any of those sudden storms that came through! Suddenly it seems like summertime is here with all of the greenery and flowers.
This month I plan on highlighting activities and events that are beginning again (like MARC's pool opening utilizing new social distancing guidelines) or resuming under a different format (library summer reading programs). All libraries in Crawford are set to start curbside pickups Monday, June 15. In the meantime, virtual summer reading programs begin Monday, June 8. Each hometown library has a unique link and users only need to provide an email address to register. Check with your individual branch for their web address. Benson Memorial library's link is, Meadville library's link should be something like, etc.
Be sure to view my article on using Meadville's Community Garden, or check out community garden space that may be available closer to your local town. The group is already harvesting beans, lettuce, and herbs.
Staying active at your individual comfort level is going to be a bit more interesting this summer and I want you to know that I'll do my best to keep you in the loop. Walking Trails offer good levels of fresh air and social distancing. You can see some local trails here.Certainly check with any programs you previously participated with to see their individual plans to resume. My local YMCA has announced they'll soon be reopening, and playgrounds MAY open officially again once each site has a plan in place to allow for cleaning and safe distancing. A lot is still up to each individual entity.
Consider having a family discussion to create summer 2020's Bucket List. Feel free to share them with me by email. I'll help by researching State Parks and Campgrounds, for instance, if you have a weekend of camping on your list. .And please subscribe to this site and spread the word to your family and friends. Lastly, I greatly appreciate any information you can provide about upcoming activities and event happenings near you. Send me your info and I'll include it on my Events Calendar to share with everyone.
Be well and enjoy each other! TAMMY