This week I want to wish all the dads a very special Father's Day. Whether your style enjoys peace and quiet or embracing chaos, may you have joy this Sunday. I've included some recipes this month that can be served up on his special day.
Also, I'd like to remind everyone that funding remains in place for serving free meals to all children – regardless of where they live – for the remainder of the summer. Check with your school district to find out how and when to access their programs. You can also find all programs near you by typing in your town or zip code on the national site.Having no cost breakfast and lunches on weekdays can certainly help stretch the food budget.
One last thing-local farms have started their strawberry harvests. A number of locations allow you to pick your own. Every kid should go strawberry picking once in their childhood. I can remember doing it with my mom in Dutchess County New York in the 1970's. I've made a partial list of strawberry patches. Why not find one near you and give it a try. Be sure to gather some recipes and supplies ahead of time so you can utilize your harvest. My neighbor just gifted me with a wonderful piece of homemade Strawberry/Rhubarb pie last evening and it was crazy good!
Thanks for responding to my previous letter asking for family summer bucket lists.
Some of the top picks
:Go fishing
Ice cream, custard&frozen yogurt
Swim every week
Read one book during each summer month
Spend more time outside than inside
Catch lighting bugs
Eat more fruit and less packaged snacks
Ride a bike
Watch the sun rise and set (not necessarily in the same day)
Feel free to share the your family's summer fun with me by email. And please subscribe to this site and spread the word to your family and friends. Lastly, I greatly appreciate any information you can provide about upcoming activities and event happenings near you. Send me your info and I'll include it on my Events Calendar to share with everyone.
Enjoy the season, y'all and stay well.